Monday 31 October 2011

Our photo retake day now on Nov. 10th (please note: this is a change from the original date of Nov. 3rd.)

31 octobre - 4 novembre

Happy Halloween!

Homework of the week

Voyage de lecture

Maths en folie! (due Friday)


Problème de la semaine

Mots de la semaine

Monday 24 October 2011

24-28 octobre

Royalty-Free Vector Clip Art Illustration of a Smiling Red Sketched Triangle by stephjs
Popcorn Day Oct 28
Costume Day Oct 31
Homework of the week

Voyage de lecture
Les formes worksheet


Problème de la semaine
Mots de la semaine

Monday 17 October 2011

17-20 octobre

October 21s.t PD Day- no school

Homework of the week

 Voyage de lecture
Practice counting by 4’s to 100 in French


 Problème de la semaine
Mots de la semaine

Tuesday 11 October 2011

11-14 octobre

·       October 12th   Open house (4:30-5:15)  Meet the staff (5:15-6:30)

·        Photo Day October 13th 
Homework of the week

·        Voyage de lecture

·        Practice counting by 3’s to 100 in French


·        Problème de la semaine

·        Mots de la semaine

Friday 7 October 2011

Voyage de lecture

The reading program works as follows:

Your child chooses a book in class and brings it home. (French only) He/She may read a library book as long as he/she follows all four steps of the reading log.

1. Your child reads his/her book independently once. (This could take more than a day)

2. Your child reads a part from the same book to an adult for 10 minutes.

3. Your child reads a different part from the same book to an adult or a friend for 10 minutes.

4. Your child fills out a reading comprehension sheet.

*When all four steps are completed, you will be asked to write the name of the book, the date the reading assignment was completed as well as any comments you may have about your child’s reading or comprehension.   Everything is returned to school and a new book and comprehension sheet will be sent home.

I hope you will enjoy reading with your child!

If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me.

Sunday 2 October 2011

3-7 octobre

*For those who forgot - PLEASE bring a shoebox or a box of a similar size to school by Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. Monday- Child reads book selected in class.

Practice counting by 5’s to 100 in French.

2. Tuesday – Child reads book selected in class to a family member.

Practice counting by 5’s to 100 in French.

3. Wednesday- Child reads book selected in class to a family member.

Practice counting by 5’s to 100 in French.

4. Thursday- Child completes the comprehension sheet ( sent home by teacher).

Practice counting by 5’s to 100 in French.

· Mots de la semaine
· Problème de la semaine