Thursday 19 December 2013

Jan 6-10

Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school
Thursday- Gym

 Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!!
Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.


Mots de la semaine

Friday 13 December 2013

Dec 16-19

Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school
Wednesday-Library,PJ DAY 
Thursday- Gym,  Holiday/Winter Showcase 9:00 am and 1:50pmFriday-No School
Classes will resume January 6th, 2014


Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!!
Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Thursday.

Mots de la semaine

Friday 6 December 2013

Dec 9-13

Castlefrank Supports the Kanata Food Cupboard

From Monday, December 9th until Friday, December 13th, Castlefrank is reaching out to our school community for non-perishable food items and/or cash donations to support the Kanata Food Cupboard. 

High Priority                                          In Demand

  • Canned Juice                                                            Canned Vegetables
  • Hot Cereal & Instant Oatmeal                                        Drinking Boxes
  • Pasta Sauce                                                              Powdered Milk (50 g)
  • Baking Supplies                                                          Lunch Snacks
  • Flakes of Meat                                                          Cheez Whiz
  • Pudding & Fruit Cups                                                   Coffee/Tea/Hot Chocolate
  • Canned Peas                                                              Soups (Dry & Canned)
  • Cookies                                                                   Jams & Honey
  • Rice (Box & Bag 900 g)                                              Stews & Chunky Soups
  • Casseroles                                                                Stuffing, Cranberries, Gravy

Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school

Wednesday-Library, Dental screening

Thursday- Gym, Bake Sale and Cake Walk

Please send cookies, cupcakes or squares (nut free please) to school with your child on Thursday, December 12.  You or your child can bring them to the foyer before class on that day.

Students will be invited down by class to purchase a treat at the sale; cupcakes will be sold for $1 and cookies/squares for 50¢. In addition, students may purchase tickets for the cakewalk for 4/$1 in which they may put their names in the raffle boxes for the cake of their choice. The winning tickets will then be drawn later that afternoon and the parents contacted so that you can make arrangements to pick up the cake either Thursday after school or Friday at the Winter Concert.


Friday-Holiday/Winter Showcase 9:00 am and a second representation at 1:50pm



Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school by Monday.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!!
Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.


Mots de la semaine

Monday 2 December 2013

Dec 2-6

Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school
Thursday- Gym
Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school by Monday.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!!
Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.


Mots de la semaine