Friday 21 February 2014

Feb 24-28

Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school!

Wednesday-Library, Wear pink to symbolize that bullying will not be tolerated anywhere!

Thursday- Gym


***Mme away all week (DELF workshop)


Science homework (Je conserve l'eau)-Return to school February 25th.

Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school by Monday.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!!

Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.

Mots de la semaine

Monday 17 February 2014

Feb 18-21

Monday-No school!
Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school!
Thursday- Gym, CES Olympics

Science homework (Je conserve l'eau). Start worksheet Tuesday or Wednesday (Feb 18-19) and complete last section Monday evening. Return to school February 25th.
Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school by Tuesday.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!!

Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.

Mots de la semaine

Friday 7 February 2014

Feb 10-14

Monday-100th day of school!
Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school
Thursday- Gym (Supply teacher/Madame will be at a Math Workshop)  Friday-Gym, Valentine's day

Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school by Monday.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!!

Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.

Mots de la semaine