Thursday 24 April 2014

April 28-May 2

Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school

Wednesday-Library, Katimavik Book Fair

Thursday- Gym


Social studies project

Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!
Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.


Étude de mots

Thursday 17 April 2014

April 22-25

Monday- No school
Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school
Thursday- Gym, PJ Day for the class
Friday-Gym,Friday, CRAZY HAIR DAY!!! 

Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!

 Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.

Étude de mots

Sunday 13 April 2014

April 14-17

Monday- Madame away
Tuesday-Gym, Send library books to school
Wednesday-Library, Madame away
Thursday- Gym, Madame away
Friday-No school

I will be away Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. I will be administrating the Delf exams (Diplôme d’études en Langue Française- a European language proficiency exam similar to the Canadian Government French exams) for Grade 12 students.

Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school by Monday.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!

 Problème de la semaine (math problem) due Friday.

Monday 7 April 2014

April 7-11

Tuesday-Tradansa, Send library books to school, (Mme away at a Math workshop) 
Thursday- (Mme away in the pm) 
Friday-Tradansa performance for parents 9:45-10:15

Please sign and send French speaking sheet to school by Monday.
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) due when the book has been read 3 times!!

Problème de la semaine (math problem) due

 Mots de la semaine