Monday 23 January 2012

23-27 janvier

Jan 27- Rock star DAY

Feb 6th - Scholastic due

Homework of the week
*****If you haven’t sent Voyage de lecture to school, please do so ASAP!
Writing (due Friday):
We are focusing on writing! We are practicing generating ideas, brainstorming, writing about a topic, and revising our work.

  • Pick a topic to would like to write about. (Monday)
  • Do a brainstorm web. (Monday)
  • Write about your topic. 8-12 sentences (Tuesday)
  • Reread your writing and make sure your ideas are well organised. (Wednesday)
  • Correct you work alone. (Wednesday)
  • Write the good copy. (Thursday)
Send writing back to school on Friday.

Math (due Friday): Worksheet- Pictogramme et sondage

From Mme Albert (due Tuesday): Bring in a picture.

Problème de la semaine

Mots de la semaine

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