Monday 5 March 2012

5-9 mars

March 8: Skating
March 9: Ice sculptures

Homework of the week

Complete Les prismes et les pyramides
Read and practice spelling Toutes sortes de figures

To support our curriculum in both Math (3D Shapes) and Science (structures), we will be making ice sculptures.  Each child is asked to bring 4 or 5 blocks of ice. You can make them by adding food coloring, sparkles or objects to the water, then freeze it in a container (margarine tubs, yoghurt container or any other shape containers). When frozen, remove the blocks of ice from the containers. On Friday, March 9th, send the ice blocks to school in a plastic bag. It takes two or three days for the blocks to freeze so please start early.


Problème de la semaine
Mots de la semaine (Toutes sortes de figures)

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