Thursday 5 April 2012

10-13 avril

Order your T-shirts!Monday - No school!
Wednesday-Wear pink!
Thursday-Library (bring books back every week)

*We will be creating a Recycled Art Museum the week of the 23rd of April. Please send various recyclable materials throughout the next two weeks.

*Scholastic due April 17th.
Homework of the week

READ-A-THON (info sent home on Monday April 2nd)

Reading (Read-a-thon) will be the homework for the month of April seeing as it is 30 minutes a night. If you would like to extend homework time and have your child continue practicing math, please send me a note and I will send your child home with math homework.

Problème de la semaine
Mots de la semaine (same as last week) 

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