Monday 10 September 2012

September 10-14

Monday- Gym
Wednesday- Gym, Library
Friday- Gym
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French) 10-15 minutes
Problème de la semaine (math problem)
Reading in English
Mots de la semaine

Dear Parents,
Throughout the year, the students in my class will be reading books from a variety of collections.  To help the children get the most out of their books, our reading program, Le voyage de lecture, features an independent reading log. It is important to read to someone at home. Each book should be read at least once independently. When this task is complete, your child is to read a part from the same book to an adult for 10 minutes. Lastly, your child is to read a different part from the same book to an adult or a friend for 10 minutes. Once these three tasks are completed, your child will fill out a reading comprehension sheet. When all four steps are completed, you will be asked to write the name of the book, the date the reading assignment was completed as well as any comments you have about your child’s reading or comprehension. I hope that you will enjoy helping your child fulfill this important part of the assignment.
*** French books only!!!
Le voyage de lecture
The goal of this program is to travel from one continent to another in order to reach Oceania. To travel from one continent to the next, 10 books must be read.
The goal of our independent reading program is to foster a love of reading and to help children build important reading skills. I look forward to helping each student reach his/her potential. Please feel free to write me a note if you have any questions.
Mme Audy
Math problem
    1. Circle the important information.
2. Solve the problem (picture, counting by, addition, subtraction) and show your work.
    3. Write a complete sentence with the answer.

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