Monday 13 February 2012

13-16 février

Feb 14th Valentines Day (wear red to school)
*Students may bring treats and Valentine cards (not mandatory)

Feb 16th:Skating
Feb 17th: PD Day
Feb 20th: Family Day

Homework of the week
Writing- Story writing (due Tuesday Feb 21st):
We are focusing on writing! We are practicing generating ideas, brainstorming, writing about a topic, and revising our work.

  • Do a brainstorm web. (Monday)
  • Make a plan. (Tuesday)
  • Write my story. (Wednesday)
  • Add details and descriptive words. (Thursday)
  • Correct work. (Thursday)

* Good copy will be done in class.

Send writing back to school on Tuesday Feb 21st.

Math (due Tuesday Feb 21st): Worksheet- Les fractions

Science project (due Friday February 24th):
As you know the grade 3 students have been studying Forces and Movements in Science. Students will be presenting a presentation Friday, February 24th in which they will explain the mechanics of a toy. The student will be expected to explain how the toy works, in terms of what forces it needs to move. Please help your child choose a toy that can be pushed, pulled, turned, wound up, sit upon, that is automatic or is run by remote control.

Problème de la semaine
Mots de la semaine

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