Monday 6 February 2012

6-10 février

Feb 10th: Term 1 Report Cards go home
Homework of the week

Writing- Opinion writing (due Friday):
We are focusing on writing! We are practicing generating ideas, brainstorming, writing about a topic, and revising our work.
Question: Should kids go to school in the summer?
  • Do a brainstorm web. (Monday)
  • Write their opinion -2-3 reasons.  (Tuesday)
  • Reread your writing and make sure your ideas are well organised. (Wednesday)
  • Correct you work alone. (Wednesday)
  • Write the good copy. (Thursday)

Send writing back to school on Friday.

Math (due Friday): Worksheet- Les fractions d’une longueur

Science project (due Friday February 24th):
**** Info will be sent home on Wednesday February 8th.
As you know the grade 3 students have been studying Forces and Movements in Science. Students will be presenting a presentation Friday, February 24th in which they will explain the mechanics of a toy. The student will be expected to explain how the toy works, in terms of what forces it needs to move. Please help your child choose a toy that can be pushed, pulled, turned, wound up, sit upon, that is automatic or is run by remote control.

Mes objectifs sheet (due Friday) *Will be sent home Wednesday
Every month your child will be choosing an academic goal for himself/herself. You will also be invited to give your child a goal for him/her to achieve for the month. Your child will bring a goal sheet (Mes objectifs) and is invited to explain what he/she is working on accomplishing during the month. You then will be invited to write a goal you would like your child to accomplish (question 3 on the sheet). He/she then will write down what he/she must do to accomplish this objective.
Please also take the time to reflect on his/her January goals.

Problème de la semaine
Mots de la semaine
Every Monday, students will bring home a word improvement book. In this book, you will find words your child has misspelled over the past two weeks. Please take the time to do Weekly Spelling Activities using these words with your child. Some words may resurface a few weeks later if your child continues to misspell the same word. Thank you for your continued support. Please send the word improvement book to school every Friday!

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