Friday 7 December 2012

Dec 10-14

Thursday-, Gym
Friday-Art, Gym

Tradition (presentation):
Monday: Romy, Jeremy
Tuesday: Grace, William, Tyler
Thursday:  Ryan.M, Declan, Elizabeth, Rylan, Makayla, Ryan.S.
Firday:  Cameron, Olivia, Caitlin


Tradition (presentation)
Le voyage de Lecture (reading in French)
Problème de la semaine (math problem)
Reading in English

Mots de la semaine

1 comment:

  1. Mme Audy,

    This is Ella Pechkoff's father, Steve. Do you have any more information on the Traditions homework? It looks like we've misplaced the instructions, and Ella is quite concerned that she won't have it completed for tomorrow.


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